Download your Free Memoir Prompt E-Book

Memoir prompts and smart journaling can point you to the artistry within your life's meaning. Here's a sneak peek into some of the content and writing prompts from our free E-book. Download the E-Book for your 12-page E-Book with 50 writing prompts and advice about how to use them to find the topics and themes of your life stories.

Craft Meaning from Your Life:

Memoir Writing Prompts to Shape Your Memoir Journey and Liberate Your Untold Story

Memoir Prompts: Sample the E-Book Content


"Writing your memoir is a profound and introspective process. It uncovers the intricate layers of your life story. Honor the search for meaning by taking time to probe and discover the artful meaning of your life. Writing a memoir is a delicate dance between your thoughts, emotions, and memories intricately woven into the fabric of your narrative. It deserves time to brew."

The path to discovering the essence of your memoir is not a sprint but rather a thoughtful and reflective marathon. Perhaps you had planned to do 2-3 writing exercises a day from the E-book Memoir Writing Prompts for a few weeks, but you woke up with a memory that surprised or haunted you. Write about that. Follow the momentum. That is making art. Through the practice of prewriting exercises and daily journaling, you begin a voyage of self-discovery that may take weeks, months, or even years. Memoirs come together more quickly with professional guidance. Consider The Complete Memoir Course for a proven path to you completing your memoir.

These exercises are not meant for you to immediately label as the words of your memoir. Instead, they serve as a compass to navigate the vast expanse of your experiences, allowing you to explore the themes and patterns that will ultimately shape the story you are destined to tell.


Sample Writing Prompts for Memoir

Exploring Childhood

  1. A Child's View: Go to, or imagine, a window you gazed out of from a childhood home. Explore what it was like to be that child looking out. How would it feel to stand in that spot now? What emotions do you have for that child?
  2. Comfort Foods: What meal did you eat as a child that you still eat today? Explore how it makes you feel to have this meal present for so many decades. What other constants have you had in your life over decades?

Family Dynamics

  1. Family Feuds: Recall a significant conflict within your family. How did it affect your family dynamics and your own development?
  2. Generational Wisdom: Write about a piece of advice or wisdom passed down from an older relative. How has it shaped your life?

Moments of Change

  1. Life-Altering Decision: Recall a decision that significantly changed your life path. What were your considerations, and how do you view that decision now?
  2. Crisis Point: Write about a personal crisis. How did you navigate it, and what did it teach you about your resilience?

Explore these prompts and dive into your life experiences, uncovering memories and meanings that shape the narrative of your memoir.  Get the full E-book with 50 writing prompts especially for memoir writers.

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