Blogs at AmyLouJenkins.com: Choose Your Journey

Before ‘Wild’ by Strayed there was ‘Tracks’ by Davidson

Amazon Link Long Before the Memoir ‘Wild’ by Strayed there was ‘Tracks’ by Davidson Tracks: A Woman’s Solo Trek Across 1700 Miles of Australian Outback by Robyn Davidson, Knopf … Read more

Jane Goodall’s Top Three Books

Jane Goodall Turns 90 Top Books by and About Jane Goodall Let’s celebrate the remarkable Dr. Jane Goodall on her 90th birthday by exploring her best-selling books and sharing … Read more

Plant Native: Bringing Nature Home Review

Bringing Nature Home How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants, Updated and Expanded by Douglas W. Tallamy BRINGING NATURE HOME: HOW YOU CAN SUSTAIN WILDLIFE WITH NATIVE PLANTS BY … Read more

Weird And Wonderful

Weird and Wonderful Nature by Ben Hoare a Book Review Weird and Wonderful Nature: Tales of More Than 100 Unique Animals, Plants, and Phenomena by Ben Hoare, DK Treasures, 2023, … Read more

Breath of a Whale, Book Review

The Breath of a Whale: The Science and Spirit of Pacific Ocean Giants A Green and Wildish Book Review The Breath of a Whale: The Science and Spirit of … Read more

Books about Nature and Parenting

Nurturing Nature: A Parenting and Nature Reading List and Gift Guide Part of our Series on Gifting Books For parents seeking inspiration in merging the joys of parenting and … Read more

Multiple Perspectives in Memoirs

Balancing Perspectives in Memoirs:  Navigating Multiple Points of View Balancing perspectives in memoir is essential to capturing the essence of truth and personal experience. This can be a delicate … Read more

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Video Essay

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Video Essay on Hate Arnold Schwarzenegger’s video essay: A Recorded Personal Essay This video essay by Arnold Schwarzenegger startled me. As an admirer of the essays of … Read more

Create a Family Cookbook

Create a Family Cookbook: Turning Memories Into Tangible Treasures I’ve always been enamored by the power of words to enhance the meaning of lived experience. I treasure handwritten letters … Read more

Keep Writing

Keep Writing: Conquer these Five Momentum Stoppers Writing can be profoundly fulfilling, yet many writers find themselves stuck, unable to translate their ideas into words. You can break free … Read more

Memoir Prompts

Memoir prompts and smart journaling can point you to the artistry within your life’s meaning. Here’s a sneak peek into some of the content and writing prompts from our … Read more

How to Post No-cost Writer Announcements

Post your #Writer News at https://www.facebook.com/FirstPersonWritingCourse/ Friends, Post Your Writing Announcements: No Cost to Share Your Good News Announce your #WriterNews to our audiences. Share the good news on … Read more

Book Review ‘The Secret Network of Nature’

The Secret Network of Nature Trees, Animals and the Extraordinary Balances of All Living Things (Stories From Science and Observation) by Peter Wohlleben, Greystone Books, 2022 (paperback), 272 pages … Read more

‘The Photo Ark’ book review

The Photo Ark Book ReviewThe Photo Ark; One Man’s Quest to Document the World’s Animals, by Joel Sartore with a foreword by Harrison Ford, National Geographic, 2017, 399 P. The … Read more

Go Native With the Red Buckeye

Go Native With the Red Buckeye The first time I saw a red buckeye shrub, it beckoned me with its scarlet plumes and the scads of hummingbird visitors.  This … Read more

Read at Least Twelve Books in the New Year

Six Reasons to Read at Least Twelve Books in the New Year Read for a better new year, a better you, and perhaps a better world In the coming … Read more

‘Just Mercy’ Book Review

Just Mercy By Bryan Stevenson A Story of Justice and Redemption  Book Review Just Mercy: The Story of Justice and Redemption, by Bryan Stevenson, 2014, 318 pages Connections between … Read more