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Jack Walker Press' Third Anthology: Which would you be most likely to buy and or to write for?

Take the Poll and Let us Know

Update: Our TWO new VOICES Anthology Book Projects are Ready for Submissions.

Jack Walker Press' third anthology in the Voices series is on deck. We're darn excited to begin the process of shaping our next literary Anthology together. Jack Walker Press seeks your support to curate a collection of personal essays, and your voice matters.  We invite you to participate in a poll to determine the theme of our upcoming anthology. Your vote will not only help us select the subject but also guide your creative journey, as you might choose to write for the winning theme. Without further ado, let's embark on this collaborative literary adventure together! Please vote.  Consider reading the rest of the article before you vote.

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Books are for Book Buyers

We know that our audience is populated with writers, yet we want you to put on your consumer hat as you consider your vote.  The book needs great essays and a topic that will inspire book buyers as well as our writers.

While exploring the interests of readers won't guarantee book sales, it's part of the process.  Yet, we won't write or sell books that we don't feel passionate about.

Considerations before voting in our poll:

Google Trends Shows Consumers Have an Interest in Aging.

Best-Selling Essay Collections

Best-selling essay collections on Amazon range from classic collections such as Mere Christianity by CS Lewis, Joan Didion's Slouching Toward Bethlehem, and James Baldwin's The Fire Next Time to varied texts such as Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century by Alice Wong, The Book of Delights: Essays by Ross Gay, and Quietly Hostile: Essays by Samantha Irby.

Best-selling essay lists also perenially include David Sedaris, Annie Dillard, as well as nature essayists of the past and present.

The trends here are famous funny writers, as well as damn good writers, and those who can get publicity and write well.  So, while we love these writers, this is what we are up against. Who will help us get the word out to sell our anthology?  How do we solicit writers who can be funny as they think critically about a topic? Do some topics engender more support? Which topic will produce the most thoughtful and useful book for the public?  Which topic will most help our writer's career? Help us decide. We will keep you informed of the progress of Jack Walker Press' third anthology.

If you can't get excited about any of these topics, suggest a themed anthology that you would like to buy in the comments below.

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