I'm writing a new memoir -let's be litfriends


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LitFriends connects us and offers information, support, and resources. I'm so grateful for your interest as I write my next memoir. Those who've followed my career (see my bio here) know how much I love narrative nonfiction. There's something so powerful about exploring a subject through personal experience.

New Memoir

Many of you have been asking about the topic of this book, and I'm excited to share it with you. This memoir is about a journey of self-discovery. It's about a woman โ€” a career woman, a wife, and a mother โ€” who begins to unravel the secrets of her past. In doing so, she comes face-to-face with the lies that have shaped her thoughts, actions, and even her sense of identity. She reclaims her authentic self.

This book is deeply personal to me, as I explore the secrets, lies, and assumptions that have shaped who I thought I was. I'm ready to embrace this next chapter of my life, one where I don't allow societal expectations of womanhood to overshadow my individuality.

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If my book or the topics of critical thinking, personal narrative, and a more thoughtful world resonate with you, I invite you to join our LitFriends community! We're passionate about reading, writing, critical thinking, and art โ€” especially personal narratives. We offer free resources and information for writers of all levels.

And if you're interested in taking your involvement a step further, consider joining my advance reader and research group. You might even have the opportunity to be featured in my upcoming book.

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