Post your #Writer News at

Friends, Post Your Writing Announcements: No Cost to Share Your Good News

Announce your #WriterNews to our audiences. Share the good news on our FB Page

How to Post No-cost Writer Announcements

Writing friends, find out right here how to post your writer announcements and have the opportunity for free publicity. Discover who is eligible to post, how to post, where to post, and what other places your post may show.  Find the details here to post #WriterNews, #Awards, and  #CallForSubmissions.

Who Can post?

Perhaps you've published in one of the JackWalkerPress anthologies, or taken one of my in-person college courses or attended one of my writing workshops.  Maybe you read our books and articles. If your interests align with some of those at and/or and/or and you subscribe to to our newsletter, you are welcome to to post announcements following the guidelines below.

Where and How do I Post my News and Where will it Appear?

Use hashtag #WriterNews, #Awards, and  #CallForSubmissions as appropriate to your news.

Follow and Like our FaceBook page and post there.  Write your announcement in Third Person. You can also include news of other genres, although our main focus in narrative nonfiction.


#WriterNews Amy Lou Jenkins', author of Every Natural Fact, book review of Nick Offerman's 'Where the Deer and the Antelope Play' appears in the current issue of the Wisconsin Sierran.
Not only will your announcement have visibility on this page, the #WriterNews hashtag increases visibility across Facebook and the web. We will republish  announcements of interest to our audience, as room allows in our newsletter. The Newsletter will also be published on our website So your good news and your new books will get some nice, free exposure. This isn't a free ad, it's a free announcement.


We are trying these announcements out and reserve the right to select those we feel will best suit our audience.  Any announcements of publications, news, or other issues that promote any kind of violence, hate, supremicies, conspiracy theories, proselytization or offensive material will not be shared. This doesn't mean everything has to be G-rated.

Easy Summary

Our subscribers (free subscription) are invited to post their writing announcements on our Facebook Page. Use hashtags #WriterNews, #Awards, and  #CallForSubmissions as appropriate to your announcement.  Write the announcements in 3rd Person.  We will republish many of them in our newsletter.  Be kind. No promotion is guaranteed.