Welcome to My New Website Let's celebrate narrative nonfiction and the natural world.
You've arrived at AmyLouJenkins.com, my new author site. While you will find author pages here, there's much more. I've had time to consider what is important to me. The interests that have been with me since childhood are,
- writing, especially narrative nonfiction and
- advocacy and appreciation for the natural world.
So, yes you can find my books and bio, yet I'm about more than those lists of accomplishments. This author site is a home for some great passions. I hope you share one or both with me. Let's go outside, read, and write. This is going to be fun and we will work, as Barry Lopez said, to "lean into the light."
I've been lucky. During the pandemic, so far, I've stayed well. While we know people who have had COVID 19, we haven't suffered the way so many others have.
What will I do With The Rest Of My Life?
While spending so much time at home, I continued to think about what is important to me. It's time to consider how I will spend my time in these later years. Of this I'm sure: my obsessions include the natural world and narrative writing. I believe these passions will occupy me for the rest of my life.
Welcome to My Website
So, knowing close to nothing about building a website, I've been working on a home for my passions. This website is it. I enrolled in an E-course, to learn the WordPress platform and build this site. So, I do believe in the value of online courses. It's not perfect, but it will be of interest and helpful to those with whom I have a rapport on my key passions. My next step is to finish developing the course. I've taught nonfiction writing for many years, and I've taught online and in person in universities. I'm really looking forward to helping adults with stories to tell.
Rather than develop three new sites, I've divided one segmented site, so you don't have to wade through content that is not of interest to you. If you are interested in celebrating and advocating for the natural world, you are aligned with the Green and Wildish part of this site. If you are interested in memoir and narrative non-fiction reading writing, you are aligned with the First-Person Writing part of this site. There are many areas of commonality: nature writing. We will celebrate nature as a primary experience and through texts and learn more about the craft of writing. And this site also serves as my author page. So, at AmyLouJenkins.com, you'll find First-PersonWriting.com and GreenAndWildish.com. Welcome to my Website.
Touchstones in Common
I've been writing about the natural world for years and have authored hundreds of articles, essays, and a few books. If you read or write or care about the natural world, we have touchstones in common.
Coming Soon: A Memoir Writing Course
I've loved teaching writing at universities, colleges, and workshops and have helped hundreds of aspiring writers to find their voices and story. I'm packing that know-how into a new course to help aspiring writers find their voice and story and bring those stories to life. Keep in touch.
The next chapters of our lives can be productive and celebratory. What's your story?
Download your free workbook: Five Must-Do's to Find Your Story and Begin Your Memoir Today.