How to Sign With A Literary Agent Professional advice as written by author Susan Falter.
If you're interested in publishing a book with a traditional publisher and gaining a market presence and income from it, you may need a literary agent. Learning how to sign with a literary agent is easier than writing a great book. Therefore, you can do it. Still, a writer must respect and understand the role of agents to land one. They are the grease that keeps the oft-rusty wheels of publishing moving. Every day, they eat lunch or talk to editors and acquisition people in publishing houses all over the world, all the while pitching them on the new hot 'properties,' as your manuscript will be called.
Generally speaking, you need an agent (though there are literary lawyers and others out there who would disagree with me.) I've had four agents, some fine, one useless, and one downright criminal (though eminently likable.)
Tips For Signing With a Lit Agency
Here are some tips I can pass along that will help your search for this important part of your team.
*Make sure you're selling something marketable. It could be you're the only person out there who wants to read about your Aunt Tillie's days as a pickle packer. Before you approach an agent, find out what problem your book solves and who it will appeal to. Research similar titles on Amazon.com and look for gaps in the marketplace. Go to bookstores and see what's hot (and what's not.) What's not is on the remainder shelf; what's hot is placed upfront and center, with massive piles of the book insight. Give an agent a good reason UPFRONT to get excited (before they even read your mss).
*Assure your book idea or manuscript is in top shape. There is no substitute for excellence… it helps! You've got to have an awesome concept and an even better title.
Sell Your Book
*Make your book proposal as professionally possible. (Book proposals are only for non-fiction books, those other than novels.) You'll want to include a lot more than just what the book's about. You'll need to include any market research you've done on who'd buy the book, ideas for unusual places the books could be sold, or ways to tie it in with 'special sales' (that's pub-speak for big wholesale orders) to certain industries, or connections with your workshops, speaking gigs, web site, etc.
Sell Yourself
Include an impressive bio, merchandising ideas, a sketch of the competitive marketplace, and publicity ideas.
*Establish your credibility. If you're writing fiction, let them know you've either had unique life experiences that will make your book especially interesting to the media. ( Emphasize your personal experience, for example when writing about your white water rafting exploits, explain your great experience related to this you that you could spin on air). If you're writing non-fiction, are you a Ph.D. or do you have a master's or lots of great professional experience? Show your personality. It's tougher to sell a great book written by someone who's got no credentials in the field to back them up, but it can be done.
Ask For Support
*Hook up with a star. Can you get a celebrity endorsement or a testimonial or foreword from a highly placed industry star? This will help an agent feel they can sell your work. If your book looks great, the endorsement may differentiate your book and be the final key to signing with a literary agent.
Be Special
*Find the niche no one has explored. They're out there, even in your chosen field. This is especially true for non-fiction, though niches apply to both genres. The best niche comes from your passions and interests… what's really you?
Wait to Send Your Manuscript
*Do not send your manuscript! Send a one-page letter describing your project and why you are the person to write it, plus your proposal (non-fiction only) or a few sample chapters of your manuscript (fiction.) Offer to send the rest right away if they are interested. Make sure everything is spell-checked, double
spaced, with correct margins, etc.
*Handpick the agents you submit to. DO NOT SEND MASS MAILINGS TO AGENTS. It won't work and is a waste of time and money.
Instead, research who to approach and pick the 5, 10, 20 or so who actually sell your type of work. Agents stick to niches themselves, and one way to find that niche is in various resource guides like Writer's Market, the LMP (Literary Market Place … in all big libraries), or the Writer's Digest Guide to Literary Agents.
*Make your letter great. Your pitch will be placed in a pile with the other cold submissions that arrived that day (maybe 25 -50) and an assistant will thumb through them, spending about 10 seconds on each one. This means if you have a personal contact, you mention it in the first sentence. Trim your description of your book into a meaty, mouth-watering paragraph. Add a bit on why you are the person to write it. And BE SURE to let them know you hand-picked them, out of all the agents out there, because of the great work they've done for authors X, Y, and Z. In fact, you predict they will have similar success with your property, as they did with Book X they just sold to Q Publisher, etc. In other words, make it personal, a little witty, and smart.
Impress From the Get-Go
*Don't use old contact info … and call to see that the agent you’re contacting is still at the address you have before you send anything
- Remember that agents don't get paid to evaluate your book. This is not how standard agents work and it's outside standard practice.
*Give the agent one month to evaluate your work. Then follow up by phone or email. Many will tell you how they like to be contacted in guides such as The Writer's Market and those listed above. Continue to follow up, until such actions are ridiculous. You'll probably get some kind of response, especially if your letter is great.
Kindly Persist
*Follow up and ask for referrals. If you're lucky, you'll get the intended agent on the phone. They may seem interested but just won't commit. (A standard line is "I'm not taking on any new clients right now.") So ask if they know any agents they might recommend or someone who is expanding their operation. Then send a thank you note if their info has been helpful. Agenting is a small world, and many people stay in it for life. They'll remember when you reappear at their door years later. And this time it may open
*Be persistent. You may have to go through several lists of hand-picked agents before you get the bite you need.
*Work your connections. Be exhaustive, thinking of anyone you know who might connect you with other agents, or even authors. Most authors will want to see the project you're pitching and may not feel comfortable sharing their contact with you… but many may.
Previously Published on AnthologiesOnline.com.
Suzanne Falter is the author of and The Extremely Busy Woman's Guide to Self-Care. Visit her at suzannefalter.com.