The Personal Essay

Enjoy this Series about Studying and Writing the Personal Essay

Welcome to our series on the personal narrative. So, why are personal stories important? The personal essay is a unique and vital tool in the realm of writing. It allows us to explore the inner recesses of our minds, our experiences, and our convictions. More importantly, it compels us to think critically about the world around us.

You see, personal essays are like the mirrors through which we reflect upon our own lives and the society we inhabit. They encourage us to question assumptions, challenge stereotypes, and engage in thoughtful self-examination. In a world often plagued by superficiality and quick judgments, the personal essay emerges as a champion of deep, nuanced thinking.

As you hone your essay-writing abilities, you'll not only enrich your understanding of the world but also contribute to the broader conversation that shapes our society.

Study  Essays

Three Personal Essays About Existence 

Read deeply on a topic and you'll find your thinking and you've placed yourself in a situation where your writing grows in critical thinking, depth, and artistry.

Timeless Lessons: Learning from Classic Personal Essays

Study some classic personal essays and unpack them to explore their structure and tone. Look for the reasons these essays have remained relevant.  Learn from the masters.

Think on the Page

A personal essay is a thought journey. It's better if you don't have all the answers.  Write about uncertainty and have an thought journey on the page.

Writing  Essays

Find Your Perfect Personal Essay Subject 

Dive into the first step of crafting a publishable personal essay: finding a suitable subject.

Crafting a Captivating Opening for Your Personal Essay

Explore how to create an opening that grabs your reader’s attention and creates a contract with the reader.

Avoid the Gushy Personal Essay

Create an emotionally honest experience for the writer, rather than presenting a superficially positive view.

Write Fresh Ideas and Phrasings

Practice using your skills and voice to infuse more life into these sentences. Practice how you will be generous to the reader by writing to advance your story and offer the reader an experience rather than just telling them about your experience.

Crafting a Satisfying Ending and Polishing Your Personal Essay

Craft a memorable ending that extends the life of the essay by living with the reader. Once you’ve written your first draft, the hard work begins: refining and polishing your essay. Or perhaps you are like me. I love the revision. Getting that first draft down can be an act of gritty determination for me. Revising and polishing are fun.

Not the End

A writer has never completed their studies or their search for inspiration. The personal narrative and its many forms can be one of a writer's forms or they may devote a lifetime to its study.   If you are ready for a book-length manuscript, download our free guide to finding your story.

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