
Your Writing Productivity Style: Your Quiz Answers Suggest You are a Your answers identify you as a Visualizer

Carson Tate's insightfulWork Simply by C. Tate sold at amazon research into productivity styles can apply to your writing life. This quiz and results are adapted from his book "Work Simply."

Your Writing Productivity Quiz results suggest that your writing productivity style is: Visualizer.  Specific planning skills can serve your productivity to meet your writing goals. Find your recommendations below the video.

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Your Quiz Responses Suggest Your Writing Productivity Style May be a Visualizer

Your productivity style has many advantages.

You tend to be a big-picture person. Once you have a sense of where your project is going, your momentum increases. You are highly creative and can find metaphors and connections between life events and artful explorations.

Writing Productivity Style: Arranger/ Possible Roadblocks to Plan Around

When you can’t yet see the arc of your story you may feel unsettled and unmotivated. Remember that you find that arc on the page not in your head, so make a plan to do exploratory writing as a part of your process. If you plan your exploratory writing as part of the process, you can check off that work as it is done instead of feeling you are not making progress.  Value your exploratory writing by making that work a scheduled assignment.

Writer Productivity Style: Visualizer/ Develop Your Writing Plan

  • Visualizers work best with maps and calendars of the project plan. Include daily writing goals, a marketing plan, a reading list, and editing work in your plan. Adjust your plan as needed for writing, publishing, and marketing. Consider using our free writer worksheet
  • You might tend to follow creative impulses and begin new projects instead of making progress on a project in process. Schedule in writing play time and if you get excited by a creative impulse, go back to your project plan and decide if you are going to make changes to your plan. Don’t abandon your plan, change it. Without a plan in place, visualizers may have trouble finishing projects.
  • As a visualizer, you may enjoy a timeline view of your project and whiteboards of checklists in your workspace.

Your strength as someone who sees the big picture may not make you the best editor and proofreader of your work. Assemble your team to propel you to success.


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